Multiple Job Titles & Ample Energy
Perfectly timed, this September is Jackie’s 5th year work anniversary. Jackie has been many different roles for Liftech and set the standard for every role each time. Most times, she’s multiple roles at once. We internally & customers all know how important she is to Liftech. Check out some of the feedback we’ve received about Jackie:
📢Getting specifically named in our positive Nextdoor recommendations & email feedback from customers.
👥Always going above, even when she’s busy.
✍🏻 Keeping Liftech management accountable with task & note taking during meetings.
😎 Hyper considerate to everyone & every role at Liftech.
Jackie’s contribution to Liftech’s culture is unmatched & we’re fortunate to work with her. Thank you for everything you do. Your hustle has not gone unnoticed.