Mudjacking Concrete Leveling
Read Why Polyurethane is the Supieror Choice to Mudjacking
Concrete Leveling: Mudjacking vs Foam
Your concrete has sunk and settled. You want to get it replaced, but you are on a budget and don’t want to deal with the cost and hassle of tearing it out. Give that, you do some research and find two main options for repairing sunken concrete: mudjacking and polyurethane leveling. But which one should you choose? For one thing, the cost and benefits of each service vary, but ultimately you want a solution that will stand the test of time, not just be a temporary fix.
Introducing polyurethane leveling, a concrete leveling service that includes all of the benefits of traditional mudjacking, plus many more. In summary, polyurethane leveling is a much more efficient and clean process to repair your sunken concrete in a matter of hours. To begin with, your concrete is serviceable within minutes of your project being completed. To that end, don’t scar your concrete with 2 to 3 inch mudjacking holes; polyurethane injections only require small penny-sized holes that blend in better with the surrounding concrete. Best of all? Liftech backs our concrete leveling project with a warranty. Give us a call today to schedule your quote!

Mudjacking VS. Polyurethane Leveling
As a homeowner, you’re looking for the best deal for leveling your sunken concrete. While price is sometimes a major factor when considering home improvement options, it’s not the only one.
Mudjacking is a cost-effective concrete leveling solution for homeowners who need their basement floors, driveways, garage floors, walkways or porches/patios leveled. Here are some benefits of mudjacking:
- The least expensive concrete leveling solution available. Dirt is cheap!
- Adds additional water and weight under the concrete to compress the soil further (which isn’t always a good thing).
- Takes less time than removing and replacing your concrete so you can start using your concrete again in 1-5 days.
- Earth-based concrete leveling materials – sand, slurry and cement.
If you want a concrete leveling solution that’s both effective and affordable and are looking for the best solution, Polyurethane foam is the right choice for you. The concrete lifting method that’s like mudjacking but light years better! Gone are the days of pumping a mud slurry (aka “mudjacking”). Mudjacking often deteriorates and fails beneath your concrete within a matter months to a few years at most. Not to mention the weight of that heavy slurry overburdening the loosely compacted soil it sits on. Given that, it ultimately compresses the soil further and causing your concrete to sink again. Here are the benefits of the polyurethane concrete leveling method:
- A cost-effective solution that will last decades.
- Hardens loose soil and locks it into place under the concrete.
- Minimally invasive requiring small 5/8 inch, penny-size holes for injections.
- Light-weight – polyurethane weights 1/50th the weight of traditional mudjacking slurries
- Cures within minutes instead of hours to days.
- Eco-friendly materials help you protect and preserve the environment. It’s an inert closed-cell foam that won’t leach and water can’t penetrate it.
Mudjacking VS. Polyurethane Leveling
How Concrete Leveling Works
At Liftech, our mission is to bring stability and reliability back to your concrete flatwork. Whether your driveway, garage floor, basement, walkway, patio, or porch, you will feel safe and comfortable knowing your concrete has been repaired utilizing the most advanced leveling technology available today. There’s no one better in Colorado than Liftech when it comes to concrete leveling services.
When choosing concrete leveling services, it’s important to know how the process works and the pros/cons of each to make the best decision for you and your family. At Liftech, we’re one of three companies in all of Colorado licensed and insured to install NCFI polyurethane systems (the original patented system used for decades). The concrete leveling products and services we offer are the best in the industry. We never settle for second best, and neither should you!
We offer FREE on-site concrete leveling estimates so you understand the timeline and price for your project before we ever start work.
The ultimate goal of mudjacking is to raise sunken concrete back to its original position. That can be achieved, however, it does not address the issue at hand. The soil is the reason the concrete failed in the first place.
Mudjacking raises the concrete by pumping a slurry or “mud” mixture beneath it (i.e., sand, water, and cement). The purpose of the thick and heavy mixture is to reduce air pockets and compact the soil beneath.
Typically, a concrete slab that sinks is “floating,” which means it was poured independent of the home’s foundation. As it sinks, the concrete becomes uneven and causes more issues. This often creates tripping hazards, water drainage towards your home instead of away from it. Additionally, the concrete eventually starts cracking and breaking which will ultimately cost more if you ultimately have to replace it.
To get the “mud” beneath the concrete, large 2-3 inch holes are drilled in your concrete, and the mixture is pumped beneath it with hydraulic pressure to slowly raise the slab. Once the “mud” is pumped beneath the concrete that settled, the “pop-can” sized holes are filled with concrete (which rarely matches the rest of your concrete). Since this is a water-based mixture, the drying process can take a few days. You can’t use your concrete until the “mud” beneath it has dried.

Polyurethane achieves the same goal of leveling your concrete, but that is really the only commonality it shares with mudjacking. Polyurethane is a polymer/chemical-based solution that’s both eco-friendly and durable. While the initial cost of polyurethane can be more than mudjacking, as the old saying goes, “You get what you pay for!” Polyurethane typically lasts decades longer than mudjacking.
The only natural cause that will break down polyurethane is direct sunlight exposure (UV radiation). Obviously the polyurethane is protected by the concrete it sits under, so that is not an issue. Alternatively, a mudjacking slurry is just like soil. For this reason, freezing, thawing and moisture intrusion, it will break down just as the soils that were originally holding your concrete in place failed.
Polyurethane requires smaller holes to inject the material under the concrete. Overall, it adds less stress to the slab and reduces the chance of cracking the slab during a project. With the rapid cure time, polyurethane is very easy to manipulate and manage. This allows balanced and precise lifting of slabs without twisting and breaking them. What’s more, polyurethane is a strong, durable material that cures days faster than mudjacking. In fact, our customers use their leveled concrete within minutes of completing their projects. You can park your car on your concrete when we drive away!

Common Questions Mudjacking
How Long Should Concrete Leveling Take?
Most concrete leveling projects are completed in one day or less, regardless of the material you use. However, mudjacking can take a few hours to a few days to cure, depending on the project size. Polyurethane is fully cured within 15 minutes regardless of the scope of the project, making your concrete serviceable again by the time we clean up and drive away!
Most concrete leveling projects are completed in one day or less, regardless of the material you use. However, mudjacking can take a few hours to a few days to cure, depending on the project size. Polyurethane is fully cured within 15 minutes regardless of the scope of the project, making your concrete serviceable again by the time we clean up and drive away!
What Are The Main Benefits of Concrete Leveling?
Concrete leveling can help you avoid the costly and messy alternative of replacing your concrete. Uneven slabs create tripping hazards, drainage issues and other immediate issues that may lead to long term problems in and around your home. When you level your concrete, you preserve your existing concrete, alleviate dangerous and unsightly conditions, and save money for other home improvement projects instead of spending much more to replace your concrete.
Concrete leveling can help you avoid the costly and messy alternative of replacing your concrete. Uneven slabs create tripping hazards, drainage issues and other immediate issues that may lead to long term problems in and around your home. When you level your concrete, you preserve your existing concrete, alleviate dangerous and unsightly conditions, and save money for other home improvement projects instead of spending much more to replace your concrete.
How Long Before I Can Use My Newly Leveled Concrete?
All materials have a set or cure time before you can stand, walk or drive on your concrete after being repaired. Cure times vary widely though based on the material being used:
- Mudjacking: 1-5 days, depending on ambient temperature, weather and other factors
- Polyurethane: 15 minutes
Does Concrete Move After Being Leveled?
No one can offer a 100% guarantee of your concrete never moving again. Soils underneath the concrete “breathe” seasonally and will rise and fall naturally, due to the make-up of Colorado soils and water content. This is natural and nothing to worry about. However, if the concrete sinks more than ½ inch or more and stays there, that’s a good sign that the soils have continued settling (and most reputable companies including Liftech offer warranties to protect you against recurring failures).
If you have additional questions, feel free to check out other commonly asked questions by clicking on the button below. If you don’t see your question answered, feel free to give us a call. We’re here to help!
Concrete Leveling Cost
At first glance, concrete leveling can look like a more expensive option for fixing your sunken or cracked concrete slab, whether it’s your driveway, garage floor, walkway, patio, porch, or basement. But, if you take a look at the numbers, you’ll find that replacing your concrete is typically much more expensive, and definitely more invasive. Review the cost to repair, replace, or ignore below:

Type of Repair | Average Cost to Repair* | Cost to Replace / Ignore | Savings from Repairs |
Foundation Crack | $1895 | $30,000+ For New Foundation Wall | $28,000+ |
Helical Piers | $15,000 | Your House Becomes Worthless | $150,000+ |
Wall Anchors / Power Braces | $5,000 | $30,000+ For New Foundation Wall | $25,000+ |
The longer you ignore concrete problems,
If you decide to replace your concrete, it can take between 1-3 weeks, as well as having to deal with the disruption to your landscaping and surrounding structures. This often involves not having access to parts of your home that you stand, walk or drive on daily for prolonged periods of time. The cost of replacing concrete is also typically thousands of dollars or more, as shown in the information above.
Does Concrete Leveling Really Work?
Why Your Concrete Shifts And Settles
The whole concept around compaction is to get as much air out of the soil as possible so it doesn’t settle over time. Homes in Colorado typically have basements, which means massive holes are dug to accommodate the foundations that sit under the home. The holes are “over-excavated” to allow for the forming and pouring of the basement walls. Once the foundation walls are cured, the loose dirt is backfilled around the basement walls. Ultimately, this loose dirt settles around the envelope inside and outside of the foundation walls. The area immediately around the perimeter of the home is typically where the soil and concrete sitting on top of that soil sinks. Poor compaction = sunken concrete.
Water causes soil to compact. As water infiltrates the soil, it evacuates the air pockets in the soil, which causes the dirt and soil to “sink” as it dries out. Poor drainage, rain, and snowmelt can all cause the soil around your home (and even beneath it) to move, which results in uneven and cracked concrete.
You may think that gutters are only used to keep the water out of your garden or away from your walkways, but they serve a deeper purpose. Gutters redirect water away from your home to keep water from saturating and shifting the soil around your home. Homes where the soil has been poorly compacted will ultimately be impacted the most by water draining into and around the foundation. As the soils continue to settle and the concrete sinks towards the foundation instead of away from it, that can lead to more sinister problems affecting the integrity of the foundation itself. Before the structural integrity of your home is compromised, call Liftech today for a FREE on-site quote!
Mudjacking Or Polyurethane: Which Should You Choose?
At Liftech, we offer the best concrete leveling service available. As one of three companies in Colorado licensed and certified to inject NCFI polyurethanes, we believe in using proven technology and products that are effective, quick, and easy to install, as well as deliver a long-lasting solution to an immediate problem.
Mudjacking is one of the available solutions to repair sunken concrete slabs, but the benefits of polyurethane heavily outweigh it. When it comes to efficiency, effectiveness, longevity, invasiveness, and serviceability, polyurethane wins every time.
How to chose a concrete leveling company?
It can be tough to choose a concrete leveling company in Colorado. You have numerous options to choose from. However, it’s important to consider the reputation, years of experience, customer results, and specific certifications and licenses that make a trustworthy company.
Liftech is the highest rated concrete stabilization company in Colorado, with over 95% of our customers giving us a perfect 5 Star or A+ rating across the board. Our systems are not only the best technology available, but proven technologies. Our team is comprised of prior home builders, general contractors, engineers, and related industries who have real world experience working with concrete structures for decades.